Socime Medical - Morada
Linda a Pastora
2790 - 447 Queijas Portugal
Socime Medical - Horário
Monday to Friday
09:00 - 18:00
Socime Medical - Contactos
(+351) 21 471 61 37
Socime Medical Ltd. began its activity of marketing and distributing medical-surgical devices in 1997, focusing on the areas of neurosurgery and interventional cardiology. Based on the experience gained, we have broadened the scope of our activity, looking for new products and finding better answers to the needs of healthcare in Portugal.
Our overriding objective is to ensure all our partners ─ suppliers and healthcare professionals alike ─ are completely satisfied, which is why we consistently aim to meet their high standards by constantly improving our service.
Integra Codman _ see Link
Mizuho _ see Link
Jeil Medical _ see Link
AD Mirabiles _ see Link
Finceramica _ see Link
Takayama _ see Link
ALCIS _ see Link
SPES _ see Link
Occlutech _ see Link
Numed _ see Link
Sis Medial _ see Link
Phenox _ see Link
Abbott Medical _ see Link
Serag-Wiessner _ see Link
Medistim _ see Link
Haemonetics _ see Link
Secutape _ see Link
Innolcon _ see Link
Dex _ see Link
Bariatric solutions _ see Link
ThermaSolutions _ see Link
Kangji Medical _ see Link
Integra _ see Link
Integra Cusa _ see Link
Integra _ see Link
Motiva _ see Link
PMI – Polymedics _ see Link
Med Biomed Sciences _ see Link
Serag Wiessner _ see Link
Bariatric Solutions _ see Link
ThermaSolutions _ see Link
Serag _ see Link
Dex _ see Link
Cardinal Health_ see Link
Cardinal/Kendall _ see Link
DS Maref _ see Link
Cardinal Health / Kangoroo _ see Link
Integra/Codman / Cerelink _ see Link
Integra/Codman / Licox _ see Link
Integra/Codman _ see Link
Cardinal Health _ see Link
Corza _ see Link
Silon _ see Link
Microfrance _ see Link
_ Neurosurgery
_ Interventional Cardiology
_ Interventional Neuroradiology
_ Cardiac Surgery
_ General Surgery
_ Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
_ Bariatric Surgery
_ Surgical Oncology
_ Urogynecology
_ Perioperative Care
_ Intensive Care
_ Medical Consumables
_ SBarbed Sutures
_ Advanced Wound Care and Healing


Socime Medical
Serag Wiessner
Secutape Fixations
Dex Surgical
DS Maref
Bariatric Solutions
Therma Solutions


Socime Medical
Ultrasonic Aspirator _ Integra Codman
Dura Mater Implant _ Integra Codman
Dura Mater Sealants _ Integra Codman
Bipolar Forceps _ Integra Codman
Cranial Perfurators _ Integra Codman
Ventricular and Lumbar Drainage _ Integra Codman
Hydrocephalus Valves – Programmable, Pressure and Flow _ Integra Codman
Cranial Fixation Devices _ Integra Codman
Intracranial Pressure Monitoring _ Integra Codman
Doppler and Doppler Probes _ Mizuho
Neurosurgical Instruments _ Mizuho
Osteosynthesis Devices for Cranial Repair _ Jeil Medical
Customized PEEK Implants _ AD Mirabiles
Customized Osteoconductive Ceramic Implants _ Finceramica
Neurovascular Surgical Instruments _ Takayama
Depth Coagulation Electrodes _ Alcis
Recording & Coagulation _ Alcis
Stereotaxy _ Alcis
Multilayer Cortical Electrode _ SPES
Adult Patients and Congenital Diseases
Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO) Occluder _ Occlutech
Paravalvular Leak Device (PLD) _ Occlutech
Atrial Septal Defects (ASD) Figulla Occluder _ Occlutech
Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) Transcatheter Occluder _ Occlutech
Muscular Ventricular Septal Defects (mVSDs) Occluder _ Occlutech
Atrial Flow Regulator (AFR) _ Occlutech

Pistol Pusher _ Occlutech
Flex Pusher II _ Occlutech
Delivery Set _ Occlutech

Percutaneous Transluminal Valvuloplasty Balloon Catheters: Z-Med LineE _ Numed
Tyshak Line _ Numed
Nucleus Line _ Numed
Mullins-X _ Numed

Atrioseptostomy Balloon Catheter:
Z-5 _ Numed

Sizing Balloon:
PTS/PTS-X _ Numed

Diagnostic Catheter:
Multi-track _ Numed

Stents and Introducers:
BIB _ Numed
Covered and Non-Covered Pre-Mounted CP Stent _ Numed
NUDEL _ Numed

Dilatation Catheters for Complex Coronary Angioplasties:
OPN NC – Super High Pressure Balloons _ Sis Medical
Inflation Syringes 40ATM _ Sis Medical
Inflation Syringes 55ATM _ Sis Medical
P64 MW Flox Modulation Device _ Phenox
P64 MW HPC Flox Modulation Device _ Phenox
P48 MW Flox Modulation Device _ Phenox
P48 MW HPC Flox Modulation Device _ Phenox
Pnovus, Neurovascular Microcatheter _ Phenox
Regent Aortic Mechanical Valve _ ver PDF
Masters Mitral Mechanical Valve _ ver PDF
Masters Aortic Valved Graft _ ver PDF
Epic Max Aortic Biological Valve _ ver PDF
Epic Mitral Biological Valve _ ver PDF
Sutures for Mitral Valve Reconstruction _ ver PDF
Sutures for Paediatric Cardiac Surgery _ ver PDF
Coronary Flow Measuring Probe _ ver PDF
Autologous Blood Recovery System “Cell-Saver” Elite Plus _ ver PDF
Cable/Drive Line Fixation System Compatible with HeartMate 3 _ ver PDF
Ultrasonic Surgical System for Cutting and Coagulation _ Innolcon
System Components:
Generator _ Innolcon
Hand Piece (Reusable) _ Innolcon
Single-Use Instruments (Scissors and Pistol Grip Instruments) _ Innolcon
Opctional items: Trolley and Footswitches _ Innolcon

Powered Instruments for Laparoscopic Surgery _ Dex
System Components:
Generator _ Dex
Hand Piece (Reusable) Dex
Reusable instruments:
Needle Holde _ Dex
Monopolar Scissor _ Dex
Monopolar Maryland Dissetor _ Dex
Monopolar Hook _ Dex

Meshes for Ventral Hernia Repair _ Serag
Meshes for Inguinal Hernia Repair _ Serag
Meshes for Hiatal Hernia Repair _ Serag
Meshes for Breast Reconstruction _ Serag

Omni-tract _ Integra
Omni lapo _ Integra
Laparoscopic Surgery Instruments _ Integra
CUSA Ultrasonic Aspirator _ Integra
Integra® DUO LED Surgical Headlight System _ Integra
MicroMatrix _ Integra
Minimizer Ring _ Bariatric solutions
Calibration Tube _ Bariatric solutions
EHMS - Endoscopic Hernia Stapler _ Bariatric solutions
HIPEC/PIPAC _ ThermaSolutions
Powered Forceps _ Dex
Ultrasonic Forceps _ Innolcon
Trocars _ Kangji
Polymer Clips _ Kangji
Retrieval Bags _ Kangji
Dermal Regeneration Template _ Integra
Nerve Guide _ Integra
Biological Matrix for Breast Reconstruction _ Integra
Breast Implants _ Motiva
Breast Tissue Expanders _ Motiva
Matrix for Donor sites, Partial Thickness Burns and Abrasions _ PMI / Polymedics
Matrix for Wound Care _ PMI / Polymedics
Dressings and Matrices for Wound Care and Donor Sites _ Med Biomed Sciences
Infrared Camera _ Mizuho Medical
Textile Meshes for Breast Reconstruction _ Serag Wiessner
Minimizer Ring _ Bariatric Solutions
Calibration Tube _ Bariatric Solutions
EHMS - Endoscopic Hernia Stapler _ Bariatric Solutions
HIPEC/PIPAC _ ThermaSolutions
Anterior Prolapse Mesh Implants _ Serag
Posterior Prolapse Mesh Implants _ Serag
Urinary Incontinence Mesh Implants _ Serag
Cervicosacropexy Mesh Implants _ Serag
Sponge Counting System _ Cardinal Health
Sleeves for Intermittent Pneumatic Compression _ Cardinal /Kendall DS Maref
Enteral Feeding Pumps _ Kangoroo- Cardinal Health
Intracranial Pressure Monitoring _ Cerelink- Integra/Codman
O2 and Temperature Monitoring _ Licox - Integra/Codman
Cranial perfurators _ Integra/Codman
Tympanic Thermometer _ Genius 3 - Cardinal Health
Tympanic Thermometry _ Gardinal Health
Enteral Feeding Full System _ Cardinal Health
Intermittent Pneumatic Compression System for Prevention of the Deep Vein Thrombosis _ Cardinal Health
Anti-Embolism Stockings _ Cardinal Health
Surgical Gloves _ Cardinal Health
Electrodes _ Cardinal Health
Chest Drainage Systems _ Cardinal Health
Wound Care Dressings:
PHMB Impregnated Dressings _ Cardinal Health
Polyurethane Foam Dressings _ Cardinal Health
OR Consumables:
Surgical Blades _ Cardinal Health
Surgical Markers _ Cardinal Health
Electrocautery Cleaning Pad _ Cardinal Health
Barbed Suture _ Corza
Wound Care Products _ Silon
ENT Instruments _ Microfrance

_ Neurosurgery
_ Interventional Cardiology
_ Interventional Neuroradiology
_ Cardiac Surgery
_ General Surgery
_ Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
_ Bariatric Surgery
_ Surgical Oncology
_ Urogynecology
_ Perioperative Care
_ Intensive Care
_ Medical Consumables
_ SBarbed Sutures
_ Advanced Wound Care and Healing
Contact us for further information.
Socime Medical - Address
Rua Visconde Moreira de Rey 16A
Linda a Pastora 2790 - 447 Queijas - Portugal
Socime Medical - Schedule
Monday to Friday
09:00 - 18:00
Socime Medical - Contacts
Contact us
(+351) 21 471 61 37
Socime Medical - Contacts
Technical Assistance
(+351) 21 470 2215 . 91 420 9204
Estrada das Palmeiras 64 A
Queluz de Baixo 2730-132 Barcarena - Portugal
Socime Medical
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